How to claim your LON


Tokenlon is giving back to their users. A total of about 6.94 million LON can be claimed by early supporters of imToken since imToken has made a great contribution to the achievements of Tokenlon.

Therefore, early supporters of Tokenlon and imToken, both are eligible to claim LON.

For detailed information about claim, please refer to :

Step by step instructions 

1、Update to the latest version 2.8.0, then click on ‘Browser’ - ‘LON’ to enter the LON Dashboard or go directly to (and use Metamask)

2、If your wallet is eligible for claim, you can view the amount of LON to be claimed in ’My Data’.

3、Click on ‘Claim’ and approve the transaction

4、After the transaction is done, don’t forget to click on the ‘+’ in the upper right corner of the wallet page, and add LON.

來源:imtoken錢包部落格,How to claim your LON


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