Say goodbye to sky-high gas fees with zkSync transfers


Have you had a chance to check out imToken 2.9.1?Now we have native support for zkSync, a Layer2 solution that allows transfers with cost below $1!

Come and join the campaign to get an exclusive imToken 5th Anniversary POAP badge and win $1200! 

Say goodbye to sky-high gas fees with zkSync transfer

Time: May 13th 14:00 - May 16th 16:00 (SGT)  

How to participate?

Step 1: Retweet 

Step 2: To complete a transaction via imToken's zkSync wallet and fill out the form <> with the zkSync-TX ID as well as your wallet address.

Step 3: Once you have completed step 2, you’ll get a chance to win $1200 (only two prizes are available) and an exclusive imToken 5th anniversary badge, which is limited to 5,000 pieces and will be sent to you within 3 business days. 

Please note:

  • We will post the winner announcement here and the prizes will be paid out within seven business days.
  • Holders of the 5th anniversary badge will be entitled to participate in imToken’s 5th anniversary drawing party.

Discover imToken 2.9.1:

imToken 5th anniversary drawing party

Time: Mary 17th - May 18th (SGT)

Holders of the 5th anniversary badge will be entitled to participate in imToken 5th anniversary drawing party. Write down what you want to say about imToken or express your feelings about imToken in the form of a drawing.

Please note:

  • Don’t the use any profane language
  • Don’t involve brands that are not related to imToken
  • Detailed information about the drawing party will be posted here on May 17th

來源:imtoken錢包部落格,Say goodbye to sky-high gas fees with zkSync transfers


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