imToken now with native Eth2 integration and staking-as-a-service


Generate your Eth2 withdrawal address key pair in 1 click and keep it safe on your phone. Stake on Eth2 - if you have 32ETH.

Eth2 staking is here, and many people are already staking ETH on Eth2 beacon chain. The deposit contract is already holding 4 million ETH, which is around 3.4% of all ETH currently in circulation.

However, it's still hard for many people to actually participate in ETH staking. Users often have to use either convenient, but custodial solutions or a command line interface. However, your favorite wallet is here to help.

We are happy to finally present: Full support for Eth2 key generation and native staking with InfStones on imToken. With this update you can now:

  • Manage your Ethereum 2.0 wallet 
  • Stake ETH on the Eth2 beacon chain
  • Also: Check gas fees on the new iOS gas fee widget
  • More optimizations and fixes

Generate an Eth2 key pair and manage your new wallet on imToken

1. Open your imToken, on the "Wallet" page click "...".

Enter the wallet management page to see "Ethereum Management".

2. Select "Ethereum 2.0 Wallet Management", click "Generate Eth2 Public Key" and enter the wallet password to generate Eth2 Wallet

Please note: The Eth2 Public Key is generated from the seed (Mnemonic phrase) of your Eth2 wallet. Therefore, please safely back up your Eth2 wallet Mnemonic and keep it safe.

How to stake ETH on imToken

Wait, what is Eth2 staking again? The Ethereum network will switch to a PoS (Proof-of-stake) mechanism with the Eth2 upgrade. Ethereum holders can become node validators by staking their ETH and receive additional ETH rewards.

Click on “Eth2 Staking” to enter the staking interface showing your staked balance, then to start staking.

If you have 32ETH, well lucky you 😉 If you have less than 32ETH or want to learn more about Eth2, click "Eth2 DApps" on the "Ethereum 2.0 Staking" page to enter the Eth2 topic page.

iOS gas fee widget

The latest imToken also comes with a gas fee widget. Long press your homescreen to add a "widget" showing the current gas fee right there.

How to update

  1. Android users: You can download from the official website or at your favorite app store
  2. iOS users: You can download from the App Store

For 1.0 users, please follow the tutorial below to upgrade 1.0 to 2.0 safely:


If you face any difficulty using imToken or have any comments and suggestions for us, please submit your feedback directly within the app.

Always backup your keys!

  1. Before upgrading, please make sure that all wallet identities have been backed up properly. Please write down the Mnemonic phrase on a physical paper, never store it in the network;
  2. Please restrain from sharing your private key, Mnemonic phrase or Keystore to anyone! If you find potential hacking activities in imToken, please report to us via email at [email protected] to prevent more people from being deceived;

Please have a look at our Help Center at for more detailed information about imToken.

來源:imtoken錢包部落格,imToken now with native Eth2 integration and staking-as-a-service


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