Eth2 staking service discounted fee only limited time left


In our natively integrated staking service, InfStones is responsible for providing users with hardware for running nodes, 7*24h node operation and maintenance services. The current service fee is priced at $100/node/year.


Exploration period

  • Time: May 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021
  • Price: 100 USD/node (service charged in ETH, according to real-time price)
  • Length: 365 days

Early Bird period

  • Time: July 1, 2021 until the merge
  • Price: 200 USD/node
  • Duration: 365 days

Merge period

  • Time:  After the merge
  • Price: tbd
  • Duration: 365 days

Renewal plan

  • Before the merge(i.e. during exploration and early bird periods), users do not need to renew the staking service. When expired, the service validity period will be automatically extended until the time when Eth2 completes the merger, with the users’ staking service continuing to be effective.

  • After the merge, the users’ nodes need to be renewed at the new price of the merger period.

    At the same time, all nodes that joined during the exploration and early bird periods will be able to obtain a bonus duration, with the specific reward rules to be determined.

  • If the service (including the bonus duration) is no longer renewed after the expiration, the validation node will exit the Eth2 network after the expiration. The staked ETH and rewards will be redeemable when Eth2 network is open for withdrawals.

    Withdrawal and redemption rules are currently unknown, waiting for the Ethereum community to disclose more information about Eth2.

Click here to read about the pros and cons of each staking scheme.

Click here to read how to participate in non-custodial Eth2 staking in imToken.

來源:imtoken錢包部落格,Eth2 staking service discounted fee only limited time left


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