imToken joins forces with InfStones to bring ETH staking to mobile wallet users


Today, we are announcing our partnership with the infrastructure provider InfStones. The staking service company has been successfully providing Eth2 and other staking services for industry heavyweights such as Binance, BitGo and Circle. We are delighted to work with them on enabling Eth2 staking to our users right in the imToken app.

Zhenwu Shi, Founder of InfStones, said, “We are very happy to cooperate with imToken this time. As the entrance to connect tens of millions of users and the blockchain open network ecosystem, imToken allows our services to benefit the wider crypto community. This is an excellent practice, which allows us to see the huge possibilities for infrastructure services.”

About InfStones

Founded in 2018 with offices across three countries and two continents, InfStones is the world's leading blockchain infrastructure provider. Currently, InfStones provides services to large institutional clients around the globe, supporting thousands of nodes on more than 50 public blockchains through its universal platform.

InfStones is showing experience with a staking service of 100% up time and with zero security incidents. The company has three years of node service experience across 50 public chains. 

The company is powering the Eth2 staking services on the world’s largest crypto exchange Binance, and providing infrastructure services, including staking, to BitGo, Circle, and other top institutions in the industry.

About imToken

imToken is a decentralized digital wallet used to manage and safeguard a wide range of blockchain- and token-based assets, identities and data. Since its founding in 2016, it has helped its users transact and exchange billions of dollars in value across more than 150 countries around the world. imToken allows its users to manage assets on 12 mainstream blockchains, as well as seamlessly connect with DApps via a decentralized applications browser.

imToken native support for zkSync

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來源:imtoken錢包部落格,imToken joins forces with InfStones to bring ETH staking to mobile wallet users


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