


原文連結:Top Airdrops You Should Look Out for in December

作者:Vladimir Ciobica



Airdropping might conjure up images of huge planes parachuting supplies. However, in the crypto field, this term is the 21st-century equivalent as it involves gifting token holders free additional coins.

It’s no wonder that some think of crypto airdrops as money falling from the sky. Holders of a token (stored in a wallet) are usually eligible for airdrops and receive additional tokens, without any associated fees or costs.

With December just around the corner, here are some of the best airdrops you should check out in the last month of the year:

“空投”,可能會讓人想起從飛機上跳傘投放大量物資的畫面。然而,在加密領域,這個詞具有新的意義( the 21st-century equivalent ),它意味著給通證持有者免費贈送額外的代幣。



Storm (STORM) – 07 December 2018.Storm is a very exciting blockchain project that aims to create opportunities for people around the world to earn cryptocurrency rewards by performing gamified micro-tasks. In short, Storm aims to become one of the most important global markets of gamified micro-tasks. The more tasks one completes, the more money he or she can make.

The platform provides a smart contract-powered and protected link between Storm Markers and Storm Players. The Storm Markers offer micro-tasks, and the Storm Players have to execute them. The platform’s token is an ERC-20 crypto token on the Ethereum blockchain and is specifically designed for gamers, game platforms, advertisers, and machine learning companies.

For 2018, the crypto company scheduled four airdrops, or Storm Drops, the last of which takes place on December 7th. The airdrop is for unsold tokens, and it’s meant to encourage wider mass adoption. For more details, make sure to keep an eye on the project’s Blog.

Storm (STORM) - 2018年12月7日


該平臺在Storm Markers和Storm 玩家之間提供的連結受智慧合約驅動和保護。Storm Markers釋出微任務,Storm 玩家必須去完成這些任務。該平臺的代幣是以太坊區塊鏈上的ERC-20加密代幣,專為遊戲玩家,遊戲平臺,廣告商和機器學習公司設計。


Crypto.com (MCO) – 07 December 2018Crypto.com Chain is a very interesting native blockchain project that aims to increase the power of cryptocurrencies by helping boost adoption on a global scale. This will enable instant crypto transactions and will allow anyone to pay and be paid in crypto, anywhere in the world.

The Crypto.com Chain has announced on November 20th that for every 1000 MCO held at December 7th. The CRO tokens airdrop targets all MCO holders who have tokens in the Crypto.com app wallet. CRO tokens airdrop for MCO’s holders in Crypto.com Wallet & Card App.

More information about the Crypto.com Chain CRO token airdrop can be found on the website.

Crypto.com(MCO) - 2018年12月7日

Crypto.com Chain是一個非常有趣的國內區塊鏈專案,致力於透過幫助提高加密貨幣在全球範圍內的使用來增加它們的影響力。這將實現即時加密交易,並允許任何人在世界任何地點支付和被支付加密貨幣。

Crypto.com Chain於11月20日宣佈,將於12月7日為使用者空投1000MCO,CRO代幣空投針對所有在Crypto.com應用程式錢包中擁有代幣的MCO持有者。

有關Crypto.com Chain CRO通證空投的更多資訊,請訪問網站。

Substratum (SUB), Amplify Airdrop – 15 December 2018Substratum is an open-source, blockchain-powered network that aims to make the Internet a “free and fair place” by allowing users from all over the world to allocate spare computing resources. Everyone running a Substratum Node gets paid via cryptocurrency each time a specific type of content is served.

All SUB token holders can earn Amplify tokens. Amplify relies on the Substratum product. Substratum token holders will be airdropped almost 60 million AMPX tokens (20 M AMPX tokens per phase). Users have the option to qualify for three airdrops, the first of which will take place on January 15th, 2019.

To be eligible for the airdrop, users must have placed SUB tokens into a non-exchange wallet and held there until the date of the first airdrop on January 15th. The amount of tokens received is based on the amount of SUB you own against the calculated Public Total Supply. For more information, users can check out the following YouTube video.

Substratum(SUB),Amplify空投 - 2018年12月15日

Substratum是一個開源的,區塊鏈驅動的網路,旨在透過允許來自世界各地的使用者分配備用計算資源,使網際網路成為“自由和公平之地”。每次提供特定型別的內容時,每個執行Substratum 節點的人都會獲得加密貨幣回報。

所有SUB代幣持有者都可以獲得Amplify代幣。 Amplify基於Substratum的產品。 Substratum代幣持有者將獲得近6000萬AMPX代幣的空投(每階段20000 AMPX代幣)。使用者有三次獲得空投的資格,第一次將於2019年1月15日舉行。


聽風說幣: 區塊鏈中文字幕組成員。微訊號seeknsee,歡迎關注我的微信公眾號聽風說幣,我們一起在區塊鏈的世界裡,思考、進化,踐行、成長。你也可以在我公眾號或幣乎文章中留言,咱們私撩~



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