ARX後市如何?聽Alre COO講述ARX的乘風破浪之路


五月份,Alre營運長Kunihiro Katsuragi做客《加密情報局》,詳細介紹了Alre和ARX。6月23日,Kunihiro Katsuragi再次來到《加密情報局》,談談在這一個月內,Alre做了哪些事情?取得了哪些實質性的進展?以及對未來ARX的價值怎麼看。



Kunihiro Katsuragi:A- Due to the corona we couldn’t do much externally to be honest. But we are making progress for the further developments and collaborations with other companies. Of course the rescheduling of the road map is the last thing we wanted to do but by looking at the situation in large scale the rescheduling at this timing would be tiny set back. So thats chance to get 500 ARX so make sure to participate! For details, please look at the campaign post. And stay tuned for more airdrops campaigns in the future!

從昨天開始,ARX的中文命名活動開始了。第一名可得到500 ARX,所以一定要參與!詳情請看競選帖子。請繼續關注未來更多的空投活動!

Kylin:聽說Alre正在與日本的營銷機構合作,還計劃推出英文版的AIre VOICE,與日本最大的旅行社之一合作,這麼多計劃,目前進度如何?

Kunihiro Katsuragi:A- For the first question regarding marketing, as I answered the earlier, we are making steady progress. At the moment we are planning the package for Japanese companies to use our services.

Regarding the English version of AIre VOICE, we aren’t pushing this that much to be honest. SInce there are many media outside of Japan and we have decided that itt and won't say how many x ARX will increase. We suggest investors to do their own research on valuation for data/identity infrastructures as comparison.



Kunihiro Katsuragi:We have a listing plan in place and will expand aggressively to foreign exchanges. We only work with major reputable and highly secure exchanges. During the next 6 months ARX will be listed on several new exchanges



Kunihiro Katsuragi:We are applying for the further listing in many exchanges would be the top priority.

And secondly, the development and actual funding through equity like omisGO did.



Kunihiro Katsuragi:We are very excited to work with Chinese communities and businesses.




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