Ethereum 2.0: Starter Guide


According to the announcement of the Ethereum Foundation, the deposit contract for Eth2.0 has been deployed (at depositcontract.eth), confirming that the Eth2.0 start timestamp is December 1st, 20:00 Singapore time if the genesis is triggered on November 24th by having at least 16,384 validators deposit 32 ETH.

What is Eth2.0?

Eth2.0 is the next evolution of the Ethereum blockchain, and the entire community has been preparing the large-scale upgrade for many years. Eth2.0 will improve scalability through proof of stake (PoS) and a series of other technological upgrades. For more, please check out the ETH 2 Launch Pad.

Eth2.0 roadmap

Eth2.0 will be launched in at least four phases, each phase focusing on different aspects of Eth2.0:

  • Phase 0: Beacon chain, to achieve PoS consensus mechanism
  • Phase 1: Sharding, data layer expansion
  • Phase 1.5: Merges Eth2.0 into Eth2.0 as a Shard
  • Phase 2: Shards executing contracts and transfers.

Regarding the recent progress of the roadmap, you can read Vitalik's ideas around how Rollups fit into the ETH2 roadmap.

How to participate in Eth2.0 stage 0 staking?

There are currently two ways to participate in staking:

  1. Stake 32 ETH by yourself and run a validator node yourself; note that there are technical requirements, specific tutorial.
  2. Provide your ETH to a staking node service provider; note that there are certain security risks. More about that here.

Validator income

Staking 32 ETH lets you become a validator. The validator is rewarded by proposing and proving blocks in proportion to the total amount of pledged ETH in the network.

For more information check this article about Eth2 economics.

Eth2.0 commonly used tool

  • Network progress overview and tutorials
    • https:/ /
  • Staking income calculator
  • Blockchain Explorer
  • Node clients
    • Lighthouse
    • Nimbus
    • Prysm
    • Teku


  • Official website of Eth2.0
  • Eth2.0 Wiki by Ethhub
  • Consensys ETH2.0 knowledge base
  • Eth2.0 latest development news
  • EthStaker: Staking Reddit community

來源:imtoken錢包部落格,Ethereum 2.0: Starter Guide


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