499韓國站 NO.20| 淺談加密貨幣的使命


摘 要:Helen找到了自己的目標:從一個受益者轉變為一個促進國家經濟轉型的貢獻者。


-Guest info-

Helen Hai

Head of BCF(Binance Blockchain charity foundation)



Mila:大家好,我是Mila,今天的主持。目前在Origin Protocol擔任韓國地區經理一職,正專注於構建為實現去中心化P2P市場的協議。

Hi l'm Mila regional manager of Korea at Origin protocol, building a protocol for decentralized P2P marketplaces. Nice to e-meet you Helen. My name is Mila and I am a host of your interview. Let’s start with the first question.

今天能夠主持Binance BCF負責人Helen Hai的採訪,我感到非常高興。

Excited to be a host at an interview with Helen Hai, the head of Binance BCF.

Helen是聯合國工業發展組織(UNIDO)非洲工業化親善大使。她正在領導Binance區塊鏈慈善基金會,其任務是使用Blockchain for Social Good。 她還是非洲製造倡議(Made in Africa Initiative)的創始人,該計劃為非洲政府的工業化提供建議。Helen Hai被世界經濟論壇評為2015年全球青年領袖,她是世界經濟論壇消費未來全球未來理事會(Global Future Council on the Future of Consumption)的聯合主席。她獲得了2015年African Business Icon Award,並於2016年被授予塞內加爾國家獅子勳章官(Officer of the National Order of Lion of Senegal)。同時被加州大學伯克利分校評為2017 Wu Fellow,瑞銀集團全球幻想家,2018年為Aspen Fellow。對於Bloomberg’s 50人來說,她也在“Ones to Watch”的名單,他們以意想不到的方式塑造了2018年。

Helen is the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Goodwill Ambassador for industrialization in Africa. She is heading the Binance Blockchain Charity Foundation with the mandate to use Blockchain for Social Good. She is also the Founder of the Made in Africa Initiative which advises African government for industrialization. Ambassador Hai was named a 2015 Young Global Leader by World Economic Forum, and she is co-chair of the Global Future Council on the Future of Consumption for World Economic Forum. She received the 2015 African Business Icon Award, and awarded as Officer of the National Order of Lion of Senegal in 2016. Ambassador Hai was named 2017 Wu Fellow by UC Berkeley, Global Visionary by UBS, 2018 Aspen Fellow by Aspen Institute. She was also on “Ones to Watch” list for Bloomberg’s 50 people who shaped 2018 in unexpected ways.


I am the UNIDO goodwill ambassador and a global women champion for African sustainable development. Over the past few years she has been at the frontline promoting manufacturing, economic transformation and job creation for Africa.


Thank you for the nice introduction.


We want to get to know more of your working at the BCF.

您能介紹一下BCF(Binance Blockchain慈善團體),以及BCF正在進行的專案嗎?

Can you tell us about BCF(Binance Blockchain Charity Foundation) and share a little about the projects that BCF is working on currently?


Blockchain Charity Foundation aims to transform philanthropy by developing a decentralized charity foundation to build a future where blockchain technology can be used to end all forms of poverty and inequality, advance sustainable development and ensure that no one is left behind. We are creating a transparent charitable giving platform dedicated to raise money from crypto world and donate directly to end beneficiaries who are most vulnerable people.


Sounds great! I will move on the third question.


Does BCF follow a certain criteria when choosing recipients? Which region’s or country’s recipients is BCF prioritizing right now?


Currently, our projects are mainly in Africa and in Uganda in particular, and we are serving the bottom billion population there. Our team performs rigorous due diligence to select projects and partner organizations to collaborate on the ground, ensuring that the social impact of each currency unit will be maximized. 


We started the Binance for Children initiative in Feb from one pilot school in Uganda, expded to 10 schools in March and now working to expand to more than 100 schools, providing not only lunch, but textbook, solar panel, and sanitary products.


Wow, It sounds like BCF is a group of people who has very qualified people.

Helen:如果您對捐款和慈善專案有任何好的建議,請發郵件到[email protected],我們會及時回覆。

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any suggestions on charity projects


What types of people and what kind of qualities does BCF look for in people? There are many people who want to join the BCF's mission and vision.


We are all-female team :) Mission driven is an important criteria and the goal is for each member of the team to be a future leader. We are also very focused on the implementation, working on the ground with our hands dirty, that's how we are able to achieve all these over the short period of time。


It sounds like you are really enjoying your work and so proud of your team. We curious of your working experience at the BCF.


So the next question is, “what is the most memorable memory from your working experience at the BCF and biggest obstacle you faced during your time at BCF?”


Many people give us doubts and question about our model, we have seen journalists trying to dig into what we do. But we are happy to say that that particular journalist came up with a positive report on us.


Wow you already touched our next question. We wanted to ask you, “How can charities utilize blockchain to improve their processes and increase transparency in terms of how donations are used?”


We are bringing revolution to the traditional charity and this process is not easy at all. We are trying to solve different issues on the ground and constantly improving ourselves. Blockchain technology is a revolutionary technology, and we think this technology should be made available and empower the bottom billion. 


The true mission of crypto should go beyond the current applications. Many people we are serving have been excluded from the formal financial services before, but crypto and blockchain offers the chance for them to get involved and enjoy the benefits of the new technology.


Thank you for sharing your insight! It was Great! If you don't mind it would be great to share with us more story of Uganda. BCF, Zcoin and DBSA donated the BTC equivalent of $24,000USD to help provide relief and education programs in Uganda. Could you talk a little about the curriculum and any insights learned from bringing cryptocurrency to those who were previously unaware of it?


This is how we are changing the current charity system


Yay! We are all super interested in Uganda Story!


Zero corruption in this process and the funds won't be misused. We are providing the kids, their parents, and food suppliers with crypto wallet. All the donations are sent to the wallets of our end beneficiaries directly. Currently blockchain and cryptocurrency are only for the middle class, but if we want to see crypto to move from early adoptor to early majority, we need to think about the value transfer to the bottom billion population.


The kids in our program told us that they got what they deserve, and they see this as a way to fight corruption. They probably don't understand the technology at the back but they understand the benefits of the new system and that is changing their life.

Mila:這真是太神奇了。您說的這些連同我想問的下一個問題都回答了,即“人們如何對BCF的教育計劃作出反應如何?他們第一次學習如何使用加密貨幣時,他們是喜歡還是不喜歡它?” 有人會覺得難以接受新技術或覺得加密貨幣錢包讓人不舒服嗎?

This is really amazing. I think you already covered the next question, which is "Q8. How did people react to BCF’s education program? Since it was their first time learning how to use cryptocurrency, did they like or dislike it?" Maybe, Were there any issues because of people who do not accept the new tech or uncomfortable with it? 


We think what we are doing is just a first step, bringing the technology to the people, especially the children who will be the future.


I totally agree with you that children are the future.


But education is a long-term process, we don't expect them to understand everything about the technology on day one, but we are changing their minds gradually. Vision to Action. Dreams to Reality. Of course we also need to make sure that the risks are controlled while introducing the new technology to them.


You are such an amazing person and really bring impact to society! We have one last question related to your career related to public donation. Q9. You have a very impressive career related to public donation. I’m curious to know if you’ve seen any difference in the impact on the lives of people who are a part of the BCF program due to the integration of blockchain, as compared to before?


We also believe in successful examples, we believe successful examples can encourage more actions. What we are trying to do is building a successful example, bringing inspiration, leadership, confidence, and experience. Getting access to technology is a big change we are bringing to those people。


It was great to have an interview with you Helen. 


Thank you for sharing such a great story and your deep insight with us. We really appreciate it. Here is the final question.


As you are a female leader in the blockchain industry, do you have any advice for young professionals also any last words that you would like to share with 499block Korea?


I think we have touched upon the technology side already. Advice 1: Finding your purpose. Many of us are told to be a good daughter while we grow up. "To achieve true happiness, you need past, future, achievement and purpose." A purpose is much bigger than yourself, but something you can fight for life. Helen found her purpose: Moving from a beneficiary to a contributor to a country's economic transformation.


Don't just tick the boxes of what other people expect you to do, you need to find your own purpose. In summary: finding your own compass.


沒有白給你的東西,都是暫借的。 我正越來越深地捲入債務之中。 我不得不用我自己來為我自己償還,不得不用放棄我的生活來維繫我的生活。 



我在這個地球上四處遊走 遊走在別的負債者們擁擠的人群之間。有些人為債務所迫 放棄了自由飛翔的翅膀。 還有人不管願不願意,必須支付出每一張葉片。 

我們身上的每一處組織器官 都屬於借貸方一邊。沒有一根汗毛或者頭髮最後會留給我們自己保管。 




Nothing's a gift, it's all on loan. I'm drowning in debts up to my ears. I'll have to pay for myself with myself, give up my life for my life. Here's how it's arranged: The heart can be repossessed, the liver, too, and each single finger and toe. Too late to tear up the terms, my debts will be repaid, and I'll be fleeced, or, more precisely, flayed. I move about the planet in a crush of other debtors. Some are saddled with the burden of paying off their wings. Others must, willy-nilly, account for every leaf. Every tissue in us lies on the debit side. Not a tenacle or tendril is for keeps. The inventory, infinitely detailed, implies we'll be left not just empty-handed but handless too. I can't remember where, when, and why I let someone open this account in my name. We call the protest against this the soul. And it's the only item not included on the list. 


 I love to share this as one of my favorite poem: Nothing is a gift.

Thank you all for joining and listening to this interview!


Thank you so much! It was amazing to talk with you!


Thank you all for your time.


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