Cipher Block(CBK)發起人WinFred受GBBC邀請出席全球區塊鏈商業委員會達沃斯晚宴


Cipher Block (CBK) Initiator Win Fred Attends the GBBC Dinner Party in Davos on Invitation

Cipher Block(CBK)發起人WinFred受GBBC邀請出席全球區塊鏈商業委員會達沃斯晚宴。

On Jan. 23, the 48th World Economic Forum (WEF) opened in Davos, Switzerland. More than 3,000 people from over 100 nations attended this forum, including 70 heads of states or governments, and 38 heads of important international organizations.


The Davos Forum, i.e. the World Economic Forum (WEF) since 1971, is a non-profit organization committed to improving the state of the world through public-private cooperation. It gathers opinion leaders from all walks of life to discuss a different theme every year, in order to promote action. The theme of this year is "Creating a Shared future in a Featured World". This year, blockchain and digital currency also became top topics for discussion. Several related panel discussions were put on the agenda.


Cipher Block(CBK) team was invited to attend this forum, to discuss chain block technology innovation and digital currency regulation with relevant experts and scholars, discuss Cipher Block(CBK) finance and network security, the establishment of a trusty safe financial data value network based on blockchain and the core value of Cipher Block (CBK) financial data value network with global elites. As a distributed digital asset ledger based on decentralized financial data and distributed digital wallets, Cipher Block (CBK) creates a future digital asset trading financial data value network through the establishment of a transparent safe governance mechanism, to solve creditability, performance, security and other major problems in the financial asset ecology, realize a safe, credible, open ecology, realize a transparent financial value network available to everyone by abandoning the pursuit of centralization and combining distributed trading platform with decentralized settlement.

Cipher Block(CBK)團隊也受邀參加了本次論壇,與各方專家學者共同探討技術創新與數字貨幣的監管,同時與全球精英探討Cipher Block(CBK)金融及網路安全基於區塊鏈建立一個可信任的安全的金融資料價值網路。同時與全球精英探討了Cipher Block(CBK)  金融資料價值網路的核心價值。作為基於去中心化金融資料和分散式數字錢包構建的分散式數字資產記賬結算,Cipher Block(CBK)透過建立透明安全的治理機制,創立未來數字資產交易的金融級資料價值網路,解決金融資產生態中信用、效能、安全等主要問題,實現安全、可信、開放的生態。拋去極致追求中心化的偏執,透過將分散式交易平臺和去中心化結算結合的實踐,實現人人可以見證透明化的金融級的價值網際網路絡。

Picture/first from the right Cipher Block(CBK) founder Win Fred Cipher Block(CBK)創始人Win Fred

圖丨右一Cipher Block(CBK)創始人Win Fred

Cipher Block(CBK) aims to establish a trusty safe financial data value network based on blockchain, so that digital assets in all areas can be shared and exchanged freely and efficiently with mutual trust, so that information islands no longer exist, making blockchain provide more value for business and our life.

Cipher Block(CBK)的定位,是基於區塊鏈建立一個可信任的安全的金融資料價值網路,讓各個領域的數字資產都可以非常自由、相互信任、極度高效地共享交換,讓資訊不再有孤島,讓區塊鏈技術為商業和我們的生活提供更高的價值。

Cipher Block(CBK) (Trust Chen) builds a new financial system based on blockchain technology, can support multi-industry blockchain application and establish blockchain ledgers jointly maintained by all parties. It’s a financial data value public blockchain created by Cipher Block (CBK) team and the bottom chain of Cipher Block (CBK) decentralized exchange, not only supporting the financial data exchange’s high-frequency data exchanges, but also supporting the subsequent corporate application development. Application development on Cipher Block (CBK) not only can use the technical features of blockchain, but also can get multidimensional data support from the financial industry, creating valuable applications beneficial to people's livelihood.

Cipher Block(CBK)(Trust Chen)打造基於區塊鏈技術的全新金融系統能夠支援多行業區塊鏈應用,建立各方共同維護的區塊鏈賬本。是Cipher Block(CBK)團隊打造的金融資料價值公有區塊鏈,是Cipher Block(CBK)去中心化交易所的底層鏈,不僅支撐著金融資料交易所高頻的資料交易交換,還支援後續企業級應用開發。在Cipher Block(CBK)上開發應用,不僅可以利用區塊鏈的技術特性,還可以獲得金融行業行業多維度資料的支援,做出非常落地於民生的有價值應用。

Cipher Block(CBK) (Trust Chen) System, based on the chain structure and relay technology, can satisfy the speed and capacity requirements of blockchain multi-application interconnection. Through the introduction of smart contracts based on blockchain technology, more elements can be introduced to accelerate the popularization of blockchain technology and realize an era of trust-free secure digital economy.

Cipher Block(CBK)(Trust Chen)系統,基於鏈式結構和中繼(relay)技術,可以滿足對多應用互聯共通對速度和容量的要求。透過基於區塊鏈技術的智慧合約引入,可以引入更多元素,加快區塊鏈技術的推廣與普及,實現去信任化的安全的數字經濟時代。


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