DeFi七點鐘社羣|AXIS DeFi構建極簡的DeFi世界

7月9日晚8點,DeFi七點鐘社羣迎來第132期分享嘉賓Stuart Hollinger@Marketing Lead,分享主題:AXIS DeFi構建極簡的DeFi世界


乙太網絡擁擠,手續費高昂已經是幣圈一個長期以來難以解決的問題,以太坊Layer 2的推出備受歡迎,但是網路延遲手續費高昂也已經成為常態,以太坊Layer2解決方案變得越來越受追捧。

AXIS深入研究了生態系統中目前存在的Layer 2框架和解決方案,目前市場上具有關於跨鏈和Layer 2路由解決方案的內容的聚合專案很少,AXIS希望透過Layer 1,Layer 2及跨鏈協議帶回資本效率。提供解決Layer 2的DEX聚合、DEX路由,跨鏈流動性採購以及資本效率等問題方案,成為DeFi的最終跨鏈交易平臺,一個真正的Layer 2 DEX


Can you introduce yourself to our community?


My name is Stuart Hollinger, and I’m from Toronto, Canada.4 years ago, I found out about Crypto and DeFi, and 2 years ago decided to retire from Mechatronics Engineering to enter into the DeFirealm full-time.I studied at the University of Guelph and earned a Master's degree in Philosophy and a Minor in Psychology. After that I self-taught myself C++, Java, and Python, and then worked as a Mechatronics Engineer programming large CNC machinery, and human-machine interfaces for a few years.

當然可以! 大家好,我是Stuart,我來自加拿大多倫多。畢業於圭爾夫大學哲學碩士學位,輔修心理學。4年前,我對Crypto和DeFi產生濃厚的興趣,2年前決定從機電一體化工程領域退休,全職進入DeFi領域。並且,自學了C++、Java和Python,作為一名機電一體化工程師,有數年大型數控機械和人機介面方面程式設計經驗。

I’ve written 2 books, started multiple companies, and am fully self-sufficient through the use of DeFiprotocols.I’m extremely excited about Axis DeFi’s protocol transition, as I have technical expertise in DeFi, DEX’s, and DEX aggregation specifically and have a long history of interacting with DeFiprotocols.

有多年創業經歷,曾創辦運營多家公司,並出過兩本書,在26歲時透過DeFi協議實現了相對的財富自由。在對DeFi各類專案的研究中,我發現了潛力專案Axis DeFi,當我聽到AXIS DeFi的協議將轉型時,我非常興奮,因為我在DeFi、DEX's和DEX聚合方面進行了深入研討,具備專業的技術專長,並與DeFi協議有長期的探討互動。

我十分看好AXIS 的全新修訂,決定和他們一起面對問題,解決問題。幫助Axis DeFi成為DeFi領域的領先DEX專案,推動Axis DeFi聚合應用的領先發展。

Can you briefly tell us what is Axis DeFi in 3-5 sentences?


Axis combines DEX routing & DEX aggregation in a revolutionary cross-chain, layer 2 DEX solution. Offering an intuitive, easy-to-use interface, users will be able to perform swaps utilizing any part of the DeFiecosystem. DEX aggregation, DEX routing, cross-chain liquidity sourcing, and capital efficiency for layer 2 solutions are the telos for Axis.

AXIS 將進行一場全新變革,開啟重新定位。AXIS DeFi在跨鏈、Layer 2 DEX解決方案中結合了DEX路由和DEX聚合應用,提供一個直觀的、易於使用的介面,使用者將能夠利用DeFi生態系統的任何部分進行交換。快速提高DEX聚合、DEX路由、跨鏈流動性採購和Layer 2解決方案的資本效率是AXIS的發展目標。

Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans.


In Q1 we have solidified multiple teams across the globe with expertise in Layer 2 and DeFiaggregation.

第一季度(Q1),AXIS DeFi在全球範圍內凝聚了多個具有Layer 2和DeFi聚合專業知識的團隊。

At the beginning of Q2, we finished creating our new Lightpaper which breaks down the entire Axis DeFiprotocol. Shortly after we solidified some strategic investments from several top institutions such as Chainup Capital, Bitrise Capital, K24 Ventures, Chain Fir Capital Inc, Heartbeat Accelerator, and Star Times Capital.

第二季度初(Q2),AXIS DeFi修改了新的專案定位,改變了新的發展方向並修正了新的白皮書,對整個AXIS DeFi協議進行了詳細分解。並且我們全新定位獲得了多家投資機構的支援,包括Chainup Capital、比升資本、K24 Ventures、鏈杉資本、心跳加速器和Star Times Capital等一些頂級投資機構的戰略投資,進一步推進Axis DeFi聚合應用的全方位拓展及高速發展程序。

In Q3 we are looking to release the first version of Axis DeFi, which will be acting as an ETH optimized DEX router and aggregator. On top of this, we are planning on launching a cross-chain asset bridge system in late Q3.

第三季度(Q3),我們將全面釋出AXIS DeFi的第一個版本,它會成為ETH公鏈上DEX市場的路由器和聚合器,讓交易者有能力在ETH網路不同 的DeFi平臺上進行有效交易。在此基礎上,我們計劃在第三季度末推出一個跨鏈資產橋系統,建立一個多鏈多平臺的DeFi聚合器。

Q4 we will launch optimized DEX routing for the BSC & HECO chains.

第四季度(Q4)我們將全面推進AXIS DeFi在BSC和HECO鏈上的DEX路由,實現多鏈DeFi生態聚合。

Q1, 2022, is when we plan on releasing layer 2 aggregation functionality as well as some different layer 2 solutions we can’t say!

2022年第一季度,我們計劃釋出Layer 2聚合功能以及一些不同的Layer 2解決方案。屆時,AXIS DeFi將成為以太坊鏈上Layer2 解決方案聚合器,為以太坊建設一個模組化、通用、靈活的擴容框架。

How will AXIS DeFi achieve global development and let users in more countries understand the AXIS DeFi project?


In fact, AXIS DeFiis a platform for global development, supporting global user transactions and usage. In the future, the goal of AXIS is to build a simple DeFiworld. In the AXIS routing protocol, you can find all DeFiecosystems and conduct fast transactions with one click. We will use our results to let users around the world know and use our platform.

事實上,AXIS DeFi就是一個面向全球發展的平臺,支援全球使用者交易和使用。未來,AXIS的目標是建立一個簡單的DeFi世界,在AXIS路由協議裡可一鍵尋找所有DeFi生態並進行快速交易。我們會用成績來讓全球使用者認識並使用我們平臺。

In addition to the Canadian team, AXIS DeFihas established operating teams in Asia and the United States, and will look for project operating partners and volunteers in countries around the world, create social channels linking countries, and comprehensively promote the globalization of AXIS DeFi.You will receive our latest progress. stay tuned!

AXIS DeFi除了加拿大團隊之外已經在亞洲及美國地區建立了運營團隊,並會在世界各國尋找專案運營合夥人及志願者,建立連結各國的社交渠道,全面推進AXIS DeFi的全球化。您將收到我們的最新進展。敬請關注!

Why do you feel Axis DeFi has to be created?

你認為必須建立AXIS DeFi的理由是什麼?

Axis DeFilooks to bring back capital efficiency not just on Layer 1, but also cross-chain, and through layer 2. Offering ecosystem-wide DEX aggregation solutions we are looking to become the ultimate cross-chain, layer 2, DEX of DeFi.

在DeFi行業高速發展的當下,DeFi聚合應用也成為了持續的行業主題。以太坊Layer 1網路日漸飽和,許多使用者無法與ETH區塊鏈互動,隨著時間的推移,ETH和基於ETH的產品的採用率越來越高,Layer 2成為了使用者解決問題的寄託,Layer 2解決方案也將成為DeFi市場發展的主流和風口。

The issues and problems Axis is tackling are novel and innovative to the whole industry. We think that Layer 2 solutions will start to gain more traction in the coming months as Layer 1s become more saturated. We want to be the platform people turn to when they are in need of a cheaper, and more efficient solution for a DEX.

考慮到這一點,我們計劃將Axis DeFi的Layer 2解決方案用於DEX交換和借貸等各個方面,這將成為Axis區別於競爭對手的方面,也是Axis DeFi的核心競爭優勢。

It’s only a matter of time until the congestion reaches unsustainable levels and layer 2 solutions will be REQUIRED. After the transition to Layer 2 solutions, aggregation is the next step in solidifying the Axis portal as the one-stop-shop for all DEX needs.

AXIS DeFi不僅為Layer 1提供解決方案,而且會為跨鏈和Layer 2帶來資本效率。未來AXIS DeFi聚合器會連結多個網路,多個平臺實現DeFi全生態的一鍵交易,建立一個極簡的DeFi世界。AXIS DeFi將提供生態系統範圍內的所有DEX聚合解決方案,希望成為DeFi的最終跨鏈、Layer 2 DEX。

Do you have any other things you want to say about Axis DeFi before we end the AMA?


AXIS will bring the world of DEX aggregation into its next generation by providing, ETH Layer 1, cross-chain, and Layer 2 aggregation solutions. The promise of DeFiis strong, yet with the feature-rich on-chain promises of AXIS, a catalyst for the future of DeFiis upon us. AXIS is the future of DEX aggregation.

AXIS將透過提供,ETH Layer 1、跨鏈和Layer 2聚合解決方案,將DEX聚合的世界帶入DeFi市場的新時代,打造一個人人都可以自由參與的去中心化金融世界。隨著AXIS的各項功能和產品逐步上線,AXIS將引領DeFi市場的推進和發展,AXIS就是DeFi未來的催化劑,是DEX聚合的未來。

Does Axis DeFi have any investors backing the project?


Yes! In fact, we have just recently gained a new round of investments including a number of top institutions such as Chainup Capital, Bitrise Capital, K24 Ventures, Chain Fir Capital Inc, Heartbeat Accelerator, and Star Times Capital. Previously AXIS DeFihas also received investment and support from Fenbushi Digital, Consensus Labs, and Ethereum co-founder Anthony Di Iorio.

當然, 事實上,我們最近剛剛獲得了新一輪的投資,包括Chainup Capital、Bitrise Capital、K24 Ventures、Chain Fir Capital Inc、Heartbeat Accelerator、Star Times Capital等多家頂級機構的戰略投資和支援。

These investments will be mainly used for ecosystem development in the direction of Layer 2. We look to utilize these investments for developing various all-inclusive layer 2 solutions starting with layer 2 DEX routing & aggregation.

此前,AXIS DeFi 還得到了分散式數字化、共識實驗室和以太坊聯合創始人 Anthony Di Iorio 的投資和支援。這些投資將主要用於Layer 2方向的生態系統開發。我們希望利用這些投資來開發從Layer2 DEX 路由和聚合開始的各種一站式Layer2解決方案。


AXIS DeFi可以提供不同的Layer 2解決方案,包括借出/借用功能、Layer 2訪問的UI/UX改進以及跨鏈互動,同時提供更有利可圖的token經濟模式。

AXIS DeFi的新願景:AXIS DeFi旨在成為以太坊鏈上Layer 2 解決方案聚合器,為以太坊建設一個模組化、通用、靈活的擴容框架。並一舉拿下多家行業頂級機構戰略投資和支援。

去中心化金融聚合平臺在整個去中心化金融價值鏈中具有決定性的地位。去中心化金融聚合平臺可以提供優質的便捷性和效率,而且也是以太坊及眾多公鏈網路上最廣泛的資金分配者,AXIS DeFi聚合器未來將實現DeFi生態的最優交易體驗,建立DeFi市場的淘寶商城,成為DeFi流量最大的聚集地!


1、AXIS connects all parts of DeFi. So could users do operation more quickly?


We think that Layer 2 solutions will start to gain more traction in the coming months as Layer 1s become more saturated.

我們認為,隨著Layer 1的飽和,Layer 2的解決方案將在未來幾個月開始獲得更多的關注。

We want to be the platform people turn to when they are in need of a cheaper, and more efficient solution for a DEX. It’s only a matter of time until the congestion reaches unsustainable levels and layer 2 solutions will be REQUIRED. After the transition to Layer 2 solutions, aggregation is the next step in solidifying the Axis portal as the one-stop-shop for all DEX needs. So, the answer is Yes.

我們希望成為人們在需要更低價、更有效的DEX解決方案時的求助平臺。在擁堵達到不可持續的程度之前,必須創造Layer 2的解決方案。在過渡到Layer 2解決方案之後,聚合是鞏固Axis門戶作為所有DEX需求的一站式服務的下一步。所以,答案是肯定的。

2、Which one of these aspects important for you?????And why?Increasing Token Price&Value;Empowering Platform Development;Building Community Trust;Expanding Partnership Globally????


I think all of these are good points to development. The best result is coming together. Building community Trust and enpowering platform development will be the first and partnership golablly expand will be coming soon.


3、The risks related to lending platform is the smart contract risk. So has the smart contract been audited? Is there any safety mechanism to prevent overminting (to prevent any foul play/hacks)? How does AXIS DeFiapply for a witness node or deploy/manage a smart contract ?


Yes. Sure. We put safety at first and we will try our best, including working with security auditing company for our smart contract.


4、Is your platform also suitable for beginners? Or does it just appeal to professional users? Can you explain?


AXIS DeFitrying to provid a good platform for everyone. We believe DeFiis open to everyone inculding beginners. It should be easy and safe.

AXIS DeFi的願景就是建立一個極簡的DeFi世界,試圖為所有人提供一個良好的平臺。我們相信DeFi對所有人開放,包括初學者,它應該是簡單和安全的。

5、Marketing is a core element of every project, so everyone knows that the potential a project can bring is crucial to achieving the goals set. What is your strategy for attracting new users and investors to your platform and retaining them for the long term?


AXIS DeFiis a platform for global development, supporting global user transactions and usage. In the future, the goal of AXIS is to build a simple DeFiworld. In the AXIS routing protocol, you can find all DeFiecosystems and conduct fast transactions with ONE click. We will use our results to let users around the world know and use our platform.

AXIS DeFi是一個全球發展的平臺,支援全球使用者交易和使用。在未來,AXIS的目標是建立一個極簡的DeFi世界。在AXIS路線協議中,你可以找到所有的DeFi生態系統,並透過單次點選進行快速交易。我們將利用我們的成果,讓世界各地的使用者瞭解和使用我們的平臺。

6、If someone asks me which project should be invested, my answer would be Axis DeFi, but I couldn't explain its potential to him. So can u conclude this?

6、如果有人問我他們應該投資哪個專案,我會說是Axis DeFi,但我無法向他們解釋你的專案有多大潛力,所以你能幫我總結一下這個問題嗎?

We can’t comment on investment strategies for other projects. But we look forward the future of AXIS.





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