PEERPLAYS(PPY)數字資產 釋出會(澳大利亞站)

PEERPLAYS(PPY)區塊鏈數字資產於4月25日於澳大利亞堪培拉進行專案路演。來自海內外的區塊鏈學者,銀行家、研究機構和投資機構負責人薈萃一堂,澳門威尼斯人酒店副總經理以及很多政界相關人士也都出席了本次盛會,堪稱區塊鏈在落地應用領域的一次顛峰對話。PEERPLAYS (PPY) block chain digital assets were launched in April 25th in Canberra, Australia. A group of academics, bankers, research institutions and investment institutions from home and abroad gathered together, and many politicians attended the event, a summit dialogue in the field of land applications.會議當天,來自美國、英國、澳門、柬埔寨、越南、日本、韓國、澳大利亞等各國的行業代表出席了本次會議,國內區塊鏈行業的名家也悉數出席,就基於區塊鏈技術數字資產對於推動全球經濟發展的影響各抒己見,從學術、技術、經濟金融等多個領域切入探討,碰撞出無數火花,PPY數字資產的運營將在未來得到廣泛重視。On the day of the meeting, representatives from the United States, the United Kingdom, Kampuchea, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, Australia and other countries attended this meeting. The domestic block chain industry also attended. The impact of the digital assets of block chain technology on the development of the global economy, from academic, technical, and technical. There are numerous sparks in the field of economy, finance and other fields. The operation of PPY digital assets will be widely valued in the future.路演現場,PEERPLAYS(PPY)專案發起人Jonathan Baha'i先生就PEERPLAYS(PPY)數字資產未來的商業應用以及專案進度做了詳細的介紹。On the road show, the PEERPLAYS (PPY) project sponsor, Mr. Jonathan Baha'i, gives a detailed description of the future commercial applications and project progress of PEERPLAYS (PPY) digital assets.
Jonathan Baha'i先生介紹說PEERPLAYS(PPY)旨在利用區塊鏈技術解決許多困擾行業已久的問題。為下一代基於區塊鏈奠定基礎。Mr. Jonathan Baha'i said that PEERPLAYS (PPY) aims to solve many problems that have plagued the industry for a long time by using block chaining technology. Lay the foundation for the next generation of new gambling based on block chain.目前正在開發的其他Peerplays去中心化應用程式。Other Peerplays de centralization applications currently under development include sports betting exchanges, instant lotteries and multi-purpose casino gaming applications.PEERPLAYS(PPY)專案發起人Jonathan Baha'i先生表示,在接下來的半個月時間將會在全球各個國家召開釋出會,正式全面推動PEERPLAYS(PPY)。The PEERPLAYS (PPY) project sponsor, Mr. Jonathan Baha'i, said that the next half month will be held in various countries around the world to fully promote PEERPLAYS (PPY).



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