How to use Polygon (Matic) on imToken?


Polygon (formerly known as Matic Network) is a structured, easy-to-use platform for Layer 2 and infrastructure development.

Polygon plans to be the first Layer2 solution aggregator on Ethereum, building a modular, universal and flexible scaling framework for Ethereum. A growing number of DeFi projects such as UMA, Aavegotchi, EasyFi and others already support integration with the Polygon network.

Currently, OKEx has announced its support for the Polygon ecosystem, stating that users can now transfer 23 assets from the Polygon network directly to its trading platform, saving more on transfer fees while enjoying faster transfers.

Update to imToken's latest version 2.9.3 to experience the rich ecosystem of Polygon wallets ~

Method 1: Home page switch

Enter the asset page of ETH wallet, click “Ethereum Mainnet” - “Polygon (Matic)” to switch to the Polygon node for operation.

Method 2: Adding Quickly

1. Enter ETH wallet, then click “My Profiles” - “Settings” - “Node Settings” - “ETHEREUM” to enter the node settings page.

2. Click “+” in the upper right corner, then click “Adding Quick” and jump to Chainlist. Don't click any button first. Please slide down directly and search for Matic, then click “Connect Wallet” - “Add to imToken ” and authorize to switch to the Matic node.

Method 3: Add a custom node

The first step is the same as method 2, then click “+” in the upper right corner,  click “Customize” to jump to the custom node page, and fill in the information of the Polygon (Matic) chain.

  • Network name: Matic
  • RPC address:
  • Chain ID: 137
  • Symbol: Matic

Click on the top right corner to save after completing the form.

Receive and Transfer Funds

After switching to Polygon (Matic) Wallet, click “Matic” on the asset page to enter the page for receiving and transferring funds.

Receive money

Click “Receive”, copy the QR code or recipient’s address and send it to the other party.


Click on “Transfer” and enter the recipient's address and amount.

Withdrawing coins from OKEx to imToken wallet

To transfer assets on Polygon from OKEx to imToken, you can follow the steps below. We will take ETH as an example.

1. Click "+" on the asset page, click "Custom Token" and enter the WETH (wrapped ETH) contract address on Polygon: 0x7ceb23fd6bc0add59e62ac25578270cff1b9f619 and click "Save".

2. Click "WETH" to enter the page for receiving and transferring funds, and copy the wallet address of WETH.

3. Go to OKEx, click "Assets" - "Withdrawal" and select "ETH" or other assets supported by Polygon.

4. Select "ETH- Polygon" in "Network" and enter the  WETH address. Enter the withdrawal password, and you can withdraw your coins.

Risk Warning: The content of this article does not constitute any form of investment advice or recommendation. imToken does not make any guarantees and promises for the third-party services and products mentioned in this article, nor assume any responsibility. Digital asset investment has risks. You should carefully evaluate these investment risks and consult with relevant professionals to make your own decisions.

來源:imtoken錢包部落格,How to use Polygon (Matic) on imToken?


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