DeFi七點鐘社羣| 穩定幣趨勢和使用場景(HaykerDAO)


4月27日晚七點,DeFi七點鐘社羣迎來第79期嘉賓Khwarizmi ,HaykerDAO 社羣開發者,分享主題:穩定幣趨勢和使用場景(HaykerDAO)








Question 1: Please briefly introduce the HaykerDAO project

HaykerDAO是一個去中心化自治組織(DAO)治理鏈上穩定幣協議Hayker, HaykerDAO協議使用DAO批准的各種抵押品安全而公平地鑄造HAI(原生穩定幣),並保持透過協議向使用者發放的所有穩定幣貸款的完全抵押。

HaykerDAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that govern stablecoin protocol Hayker. The HaykerDAO protocol uses various types of collateral approved by DAO to safely and fairly mint HAI (Native Stablecoin), and maintain its distribution to users through the protocol, assuring that all issued HAI are fully secured for loans.

HaykerDAO協議,也被稱為多抵押品系統,是從MakerDAO fork出來的。我們的原生穩定幣是HAI,一種分散的、無偏見的、抵押品支援的、與美元掛鉤的穩定幣。由於其低波動性,HAI能夠抵禦惡性通脹,為任何人提供經濟自由和機會。HaykerDAO治理系統決定了使用者可以提供資產作為鑄HAI的抵押品,也就意味著我們的協議是由社羣組織和操作的。

The HaykerDAO protocol, which is a multi-collateral system, was forked from MakerDAO. Our native stablecoin is HAI, a decentralized, unbiased, collateral-backed stablecoin pegged to the U.S. dollar.Due to its low volatility, HAI can resist hyperinflation and provide economic freedom and opportunities for anyone. The HaykerDAO governance system determines that users can provide assets as collateral for casting HAI, meaningthat the protocol is organized and operated by the DAO community.

簡單說 HaykerDAO 是:




In simple words , HaykerDAO is:

A platform that pledges encrypted assets to generate a 1:1 anchor to USD HAI;

A safe and reliable lending protocol;

A stablecoin tool that everyone can use.


So HaykerDAO could be the "MakerDAO" on HECO.



Question 2: In the several stages of stablecoin development, why does the market still recognize a fully collateralized and decentralized stablecoinlike HaykerDAO?


We know that the essence of "crypto currency" originally envisioned by Satoshi Nakamoto is a decentralized encrypted native coin based on cryptography. Although digital currencies issued by commercial institutions or central banks use blockchain technology, they still have strong centralization attributes.


In the development history of stablecoins, for now there are 3 types.

1. stablecoin collateralized by fiat like USDC;

2. crypto nativeand decentralized stablecoin that is fully collateralized by other crypto assets like DAI;

3.algorithmic stablecoin. .

The fully collateralized & decentralized stablecoinis still the one that is more in line with Satoshi Nakamoto's vision so far.


So fully collateralized & decentralized stablecoin , is the type of stablecoin that issued on the chain in a decentralized form through a Fully collateralizedmechanism. These stablecoins are more flexible and transparent in design, because they are not controlled by any party, and anyone can review the mortgage rate of the protocol on the chain.


As a pioneer of fully collateralized & decentralized stablecoins, MakerDAO, and its DAI isthe most successful stablecoin running on Ethereumso far, and we published HaykerDAO as decentralized stablecoin on HECO.


HaykerDAO uses an excessive amount of collateral to absorb the risks caused by the price fluctuation of the collateral itself, so as to stabilize the price of HAI obtained by collateral . When the price of HAI fluctuates, the keepers in the HaykerDAO platform can obtain profits through the sale of HAI and stabilize HAIprice .


When the price fluctuation of the collateral exceeds a certain range and most of the mechanisms in the system cannot stabilize the price of HAI, the global clearing system will be activated to recover HAI and return the collateral to the user to protect the interests of users to the greatest extent .


問題3:使用者可以透過使用HAI 來做什麼?

Question 3: as an end users, what they can do using HAI ?

交易: HAI 是一種更智慧的數字貨幣,可以購買,出售和管理。

存幣生息: 一鍵存入,隨存隨取享受利息


For Transaction, HAI is a stablecoin that can be bought, sold and managed.

Deposit and earn yield, as a stablecoin it can be depositedto other protocols with interest.

Other scenarios:HAI's low volatility can resist hyperinflation and provide economic freedom and opportunities for anyone anywhere.



Question 4: Can you give us a brief introduction to the token mechanism and featureof the stablecoin HAI?

HAI是火幣生態鏈(HECO)上第一個去中心化穩定幣,由HaykerDAO開發並管理,是去中心化金融(DeFi)的基礎設施。HAI由鏈上資產足額抵押擔保發行,和美元保持1:1錨定,1HAI =1美元。

HAI isthe first decentralized stablecoin on theHECO Chain. It is developed and managed by HaykerDAO and can be part of the infrastructureblocks for DeFi. HAI is issued by Fully collateralizedcryptoassets on the chain, and is anchored 1:1 with the U.S. dollar, so 1HAI is equal to1 U.S. dollar.

HAI可靠 ——與美元緊密掛鉤,具有可靠的價值,可以自由購買,出售和管理;


HAI更智慧—— 一鍵存入,隨存隨取享受利息;

Why HAI is reliablestablecoin ? its fully backed by other crypto assets and linked to the U.S. dollar, it has a reliable value and can be bought, sold and managed freely;

HAI is money without borders, If you can access the Internet, you can access HAI and use it freely.

HAI iscan be used to earn yields , just deposit and enjoy interest;


問題5:HaykerDAO 真的是一個人人用得上的去中心化穩定幣利器,此外治理幣HKR的代幣機制是什麼?

HaykerDAO is a decentralized stablecoin tool that everyone can use. In addition, what is the token mechanism of the governance token HKR?

HKR 是HaykerDAO平臺治理代幣,總量1,000,000,0預挖,0私募,完全流動性挖礦產生。

HKR is the governance token of HaykerDAO , with a total amount of 1,000,000, no premining, no private sale , fully distributed by yield farming.


HKR distribution as follows :




15%: used for HaykerDao project maintenance,and will only be generated alongside with the yield farming output ;

10%: is the amount required for project governanceto start with , after liquidity mining exceeds 50%, this 10% tokens will be added in the total amount of mining pools and distributed by yield farming;

75%: by yield farming, miningpools opening and pausing depends on the market. The first batch of yield framing will start for one monthlongin the early stage, and it is expected to produce about 10% of HKR.


問題6:治理幣HKR 完全流動性挖礦產生,挖礦規則能詳細介紹下嗎?

Question 6: HKR generated by yield farming with full liquidity. Can introduce the mining rulesdetails?


HKR supports LP and single token yield farming, of which LP farming account for 93% of total , HAI zone accounts for 33% and HKR zone accounts for 60%.

Each pool or single token farm is divided according to the amount of minted HAIs.



the first-phase LP farming supports the following trading pairs:




the first-phase single farming supports the following tokens:

HAI(2%), HT(1%), HBTC(1%), USDT(1%), ETH(1%), HUSD(1%)



Question 7: How to generate or destroy HKR tokens, and what rights do HKR holders have?

HaykerDAO成立之初就發行了1,000,000 HKR代幣。代幣是在不同情況下建立和銷燬的。當系統盈餘超過最低閾值時,HKR被銷燬,導致多餘的HAI被拍賣以換取HKR。相反,當系統債務超過最大閾值時,將建立HKR並將其拍賣給HAI,以補充該系統的資本金,這是非常罕見的。

HaykerDAO issued 1,000,000 HKR tokensonly.Tokens are created and destroyed under different circumstances. When the system surplus exceeds the minimum threshold, HKR is destroyed, resulting in excess HAI being auctioned in exchange for HKR. On the contrary, when the system debt exceeds the maximum threshold, HKR will be created and auctioned to HAI to supplement the capital of the system, which is very rare to happen.

HKR持有人有能力對 Hayker 本身進行技術更改,也可以批准有關非技術事項的鏈上決定。無論是更改系統引數,還是決定接受新的管理理念,HKR選民都擁有最終控制權。

HKR holders have the ability to make changes to Hayker protocol parameters, list new assets as collateralfor HAI, and can also approve on-chain decisions on non-technical matters. Whether it is technical or deciding a new management concept, HKR holders vote have the ultimate control.



Question 8: isHaykerDAO already launched? Now you cantalk about HaykerDAO's follow-up development plan and future goals

HaykerDAO於新加坡時間2021年4月26日20:00已正式上線,目前抵押HT/ HBTC/ HUSD/ ETH都將獲得HAI代幣,HKR流動性挖礦將於一週後開啟,目前已上線Dogeswap,後續還將上線更多去中心化交易所DEXs。

HaykerDAO has been officially launchedat 20:00 on April 26, 2021(yesterday), Singapore time.

now, HT/HBTC/HUSD/ETHare collateralsto obtain HAI token.AndHKRyield farmingwill be launched in a weekor so,

For now both HKR and HAI can be traded onDogeswapDEX, andwill be launchedon more DEXs.


HaykerDAO is the first borderless and unbiased decentralized stablecoinafter MakerDAO. It has not onlycanbecomea

cornerstone of decentralized finance, but is alsocanwidely used in fields such as digital art and game payment, and evenforpeople living in inflationary countriescanuse HAI as the preferred means of storing valueand transfer.


The mechanism of HaykerDAO is not in separation from reality. The community have an ambitiousvision for it , but we know that it must conform to the laws of the economy and be down-to-earth in combination with reality. We wish to help Communities and individualswho do not have access to traditional banking services by reshaping a currency system.


Risk warning: all articles at 07:00 can not be used as investment advice or recommendation, investment is risky, investment should consider personal risk tolerance, it is recommended to conduct in-depth review of the project, carefully do their own investment decisions.



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